
Government projects ultimately will be only as good as their authentication and the guarantee that users and transactions are secure. Making e-government initiatives successful is a high priority for government IT project managers. Managing government IT infrastructures with heterogeneous environments and often multiple outsourcers can be a challenge. Edify Associates enables government agencies to deliver and maintain cost-effective, reliable infrastructures that help increase IT efficiencies and reduce costs.

We deliver the following benefits to government agencies:

  • Ensure compliance with Section 508 requirements
  • Manage IT as a business with best-practices applications
  • Deploy more reliable, production-ready e-government applications
  • Deliver optimum performance e-government business processes
  • Ensure that e-government initiatives scale to meet business requirements

Working with our partners, we offer government organizations the technology, domain expertise, and best practices to solve complex problems that only exist in the government sector. We identify performance and scalablibility problems to help you realize more from your IT investments while planning future projects.

The complexity of the government world means that standards are always changing and a close eye must be had in order to met compliance. For more information we can keep you operating in an productive and efficient manner, talk to an expert, contact Edify Associates