Who We Are

In today’s rapidly changing marketplace, companies need partners that can respond to their evolving needs. We understand the challenges faced on a daily basis and how to address these challenges. While at times Edify Associates joins the creative team as an extension to company’s competencies, many times Edify Associates is the powerhouse behind the imaginative concepts bringing inspired creations and smart technologies. Imagine a marketing and technology partner so competent that you can rely 100% on them leaving you to your core competencies...

As a revolutionary multi-channel marketing & technology company, we specialize in helping clients identify their business objectives, develop revenue-generating strategies to achieve those objectives, and then implement those strategies via Web site design and development, e-commerce solutions, interactive promotions, identity design, and targeted sales and marketing tools.

We help your business find new channels for short-term and long-term revenue growth, develop innovative and profitable partnerships, and utilize technology and strategic marketing to continuously grow your business. If you’re ready for a partner company that provides proficiency and ingenuity, then you’re ready to contact Edify Associates.