
Now that you have made the adequate investments to increase your business, you need to know if you've made the right moves and if there are other moves that could be made to increase the value of your business. To successfully measure the impact on your business, we study all the factors that influence the value of your business.

Positioning becomes the foundation for everything your company says and does. It becomes the guide for product development and service delivery, and it provides the platform for messages, marketing and communications. And in return, everything you say or do contributes to the perception that is given of your company.

To manage the relationship, you must first accurately position the organization in the minds of your audience. Laying the foundation is the platform for all efforts to come. After careful analysis and understanding, your organization will communicate a universal message with a voice so clear and credible that it breathes life to everyone from the board, staff, clients, partners, and the media.

Edify Associates utilizes a variety of approaches during our competitive strategy phase including:

  • Customer segmentation
  • Experience benchmarking
  • Channel analysis
  • Brainstorming and visioning
  • Prototyping
  • Cost/benefit analysis
  • Investment prioritization
  • ROI Analysis

We evaluate and prioritize our options together. Not only do we keep the user experience as a primary focus, but we are also mindful of ways to improve your ROI. Once a direction is selected, we develop an action plan to realize your objectives and work with you to successfully achieve them.